Generally speaking, when using an air energy heat pump in the northern winter, it is prone to frosting due to the cold outside environment. What if frosting occurs? There are two types of air energy heat pump frost, one is normal frost, the other is abnormal frost. Normal frost, the unit will automatically defrost in time, the user does not have to worry too much, but if it is abnormal frost, the user should pay attention.

how to fix heat pump freezing up in winter(图1)

There are three reasons for the abnormal frost of the air energy heat pump. First, the heat sink surface on the heat exchanger is dirty and clogged, the outdoor fan system failure, or the outdoor heat exchanger import and export obstacles. Even if the indoor temperature is higher than 0, frost may appear on the surface of the radiator on the heat exchanger, and the frost will become thicker and thicker, resulting in frequent defrosting of the unit, leading to poor heating effect.

how to fix heat pump freezing up in winter(图2)